The North American Forest Foundation’s Truth About Trees teaching kit provides teachers with everything needed to teach full, interactive, science-based lessons about the forests that are our children’s future. Within each kit, teachers will find fun characters who get kids excited about learning, games that make learning fun, and tokens like stickers and pencils that make learning even more rewarding.

The Truth About Trees teaching kit was designed to provide lesson plans and tools that make learning science-based facts about
trees fun for kids in elementary school. It can be used alone, or in conjunction with a field trip to our traveling museum exhibit, Forever Forest.

– “It Comes from a Tree” Lesson Plan
– “Taking Care of Our Forests” Lesson Plan
– “Truth About Trees” Video on USB Drive
– “I’m a Tree” Song on USB Drive
– Whiteboard featuring a list for a Scavenger Hunt
– A Stack of 24 Flashcards Highlighting Products Made from Trees
– “It Comes from a Tree” Sticky-Notes
– Four Sheets of Stickers
– 25 “Truth About Trees” wood Pencils
– From Tree to Tree House: Chip and Emily’s Magic Flume Ride storybook
– 25 wood Rulers
– Coloring book
– NEW 7 poster set from our friends at Hammermill Paper
We are proud to offer our Truth About Trees teaching kits at no charge to teachers. However, our kits do cost $100 to produce. We thank our sponsors for helping us provide these kits to schools across North America. If you know anyone who would like to sponsor a box for your classroom, please include their information in your request.
“I used the set of cards out of the Truth About Trees kit in my presentation today for pre-K students. I let each pick a card and see if they could tell me if it was made from wood. They were surprised at some of the things and wanted to do more but time was running out. We love the cards for PreK students. Thanks so much for the kit. “– M. Fudge