Meet the Characters

Ollie Oak
Hi, I’m Ollie Oak. I come in all kinds of species and am found all throughout homes. I’m the floor, the cabinets, the stairs, and even the frames of houses. People think I am a very attractive wood and I have to agree. That’s why I’m often used.

Billy Beech
Billy Beech is my name and versatility is my game. I’m useful in many ways. I make really cool sounding drums, but also make excellent firewood. I’m oftentimes found in clothes as the material rayon. Check your tags, kids, you might be wearing me! Better yet, you might be hanging me, your rayon shirt, on the clothesline with more of me— your clothespins. Yep, I’m also a great clothespin.

I’m Charlie Black Cherry and I’m handsome. When my wood is used, folks make sure I am seen. I make beautiful flooring, fine cabinetry, fine furniture, and moldings in homes and buildings. I also produce a delicious fruit: the cherry, of course. In the spring, I bloom beautiful flowers called cherry blossoms.

Millie Maple
I’m Millie Maple. I grow in all parts of North America and people use my wood to make beautiful furniture, flooring, and cabinets. You see me in your school gymnasium; I’m the basketball floor! I also help hit home-runs as a baseball bat. Some also know me for my delicious syrup that is often used on pancakes. My leaf is proudly displayed on the Canadian flag.

Patsy Pine
Hi! I’m Patsy Pine, and you’ve probably used my cones in art class to make fun projects – like bird feeders! I have lots of relatives, and we live in places all over the Northern Hemisphere. If you take a walk, you’ll probably see me at the park, and I look so beautiful when you string me with bright lights and decorate my branches. My wood is used to make homes strong and safe, and when you bring me inside with my needles – I make it smell good, too!

Sammy Sycamore
Sammy Sycamore here. I grow mostly in the Eastern half of the United States and although I love the forest, I do pretty well in the city where I make a great shade tree. I’m also loved for the beautiful floors and furniture I make. I will grow up to be a very big tree with a massive trunk.

Hey! My full name is Douglas-fir, but I go by Dougie. You can find me in the Northwest part of North America, and some of my buddies live in Canada. I don’t mean to brag – but spotted owls love me! And, so do tap shoes! My wood makes the perfect floor to dance on, because I’m so strong. You should hear the tap-tap-tapping that I help create!

Betty Birch
I’m Betty Birch, and I’m a little different from the rest. I love being unique! When people see me, they know just who I am. I’m known for my paper-like bark, that you can peel off into spirals. It’s kind of funny, because my pulp can make paper, too! I have beautiful wood that people love to use to make pretty furniture and floors. I also know how to have fun – my strong, flexible wood makes really cool skateboards!

Connie Conifer
I’m Connie Conifer, and it’s so nice to meet you! I have so many relatives, that it’s sometimes hard to keep track! I’m close with Patsy Pine and Dougie, but there are so many more of us! We come in many shapes, sizes, and colors, but we all have one thing in common – our cones! My family is used for so many cool things. The Cedar side of the family is especially famous for closets that chase moths away. I’m so proud of them!